
Reading is an important skill for students who must undergo and follow the teaching and learning process. The success of students in the teaching and learning process affects reading skills. One that affects the success of students in the process of learning to read is the selection of a good learning method by the teacher. This study has two focuses, namely: First, to find out the application of the 1Q2R method in improving Arabic text reading skills in class X MA Syarif Hidayatullah Ambal-Ambil Pasuruan. Second, knowing the supporting and inhibiting factors for the application of the 1Q2R method in improving Arabic text reading skills in class X MA Syarif Hidayatullah Ambal-Ambil Pasuruan students.
 This research method uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study. Data collection techniques used three techniques, Interview, Observation and Documentation. The results of this study indicate that (1) The application of the 1Q2R method to improve the ability to read Arabic texts of class X Syarif Hidayatullah students through two stages, namely: First, the preparation stage and Second, the implementation stage. (2) The supporting factors for the application of the 1Q2R method to improve the ability to read Arabic in Class X students of Syarif Hidayatullah Pasuruan are divided into two factors. namely, the internal factor in the form of student awareness in the form of seriousness to improve the ability to read Arabic texts. External factors are the skills of the teaching staff in guiding and directing and stimulating students to achieve maximum reading skills. The inhibiting factors are: First, the limited time allocation that affects the quality of control and guidance for students to practice their ability to read Arabic texts. Second, the ability and quality of new student input is not filtered properly so that there are students whose quality in reading Arabic texts is below average.

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