
This journal is entitled: The Application of Image Media to Improve Learning Results of Arabic Vocabulary (Mufrodat) in Class II A Madrasa Ibtidaiyah Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga Indralaya Ogan Ilir. Image media is one of the easiest types of media to apply. Images basically can help students in learning and can arouse their interest in learning. The media which is applied by teachers in learning activities of Arabic vocabulary is less varied and can cause low students in remembering Arabic vocabulary. Then the value of learning outcomes has a considerable influence in motivating students. In order to improve student learning outcomes, the ideal teacher must try to use a variety of strategies, including by using effective and pleasing learning media. The use of appropriate learning media will make students more active, enthusiastic, and make it easier for students to digest the lessons given by their teacher during the learning process. The type of research used is qualitative research. While the data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative method that describes the data collected in the form of words instead of numbers. Data collection is done by pre-test and post-test techniques, observations, interviews, documentation. Then the data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The objects in this study were Arabic language teachers, and 22 students as respondents. After conducting the process of data collection and data analysis, it was concluded that, the application of image media regarding Arabic mufrodat in class II A MI Raudhatul Ulum Sakatiga is good 75.75%. So it can be said that the application of image media regarding Arabic mufrodat is in the good category that is 75.75%. Based on the results of the use of the "t" Test, it can be conclusively said that the Application of Image Media to Improve the Learning Results of Arabic Vocabulary (mufrodat) on Students Class II A MI Raudhatul Ulum, has shown its real effectiveness. This can be proven because to is greater than ttitu: 2.09 <5.11> 2.83.

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