
This research aims to describe the application of job descriptions for boarding school administrators and their implications for performance discipline at the Orphan and Dhuafa Islamic Boarding School Tahfidzul Qur'an "Riyadhus Sholihin" Bandar Lampung. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection is done by conducting interviews, observation, and documentation. Analysis of the data used in this study was carried out in stages, namely data reduction, data display, and verification and conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: 1) The application of job identification has not been carried out optimally due to the absence of SOPs that bind Board of Islamic Boarding Schools. 2) Summary of work at the Riyadus Shalihin Islamic Boarding School in Bandar Lampung has been formulated and implemented but often overlaps. 3) Duties and responsibilities at the Riyadus Shalihin Islamic Boarding School in Bandar Lampung have not been carried out properly and in accordance with the job description. 4) The authority at the Riyadus Shalihin Islamic Boarding School in Bandar Lampung has been carried out properly in accordance with the authority given by the leadership to the teaching and caregiver staff. 5) Work standards at the Riyadus Shalihin Islamic Boarding School in Bandar Lampung do not exist. 6) The working conditions of the Riyadus Shalihin Islamic Boarding School in Bandar Lampung do not provide a sense of comfort because they work without clear rules/work standards or SOPs. 7) Job specifications at the Riyadus Shalihin Islamic Boarding School in Bandar Lampung do not match the diploma background.

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