
<p><em>The objectives of the research are to know: (1) implementation of Electronic Human Resources Management (eHRM) in the the administration department of Bengawan Solo River Area Central Center. (2) faced obstacle in the implementation of eHRM in the administration department of Bengawan Solo River Area Central Center. (3) efforts to solve the obstacle in the implementation of eHRM in the administration department of Bengawan Solo River Area Central Center. The research used to qualitative research method. The sources of data were informants, events and places, and documents. The technique of collecting data used observation, interview, and document analysis. The technique of validiting data used source and method triangulation. The data were analyzed by interactive model. The results of the research showed that: (1) implementation eHRM information system give convenience to manage and access personnel information, give time and cost efficiency, and guarantee the transparency in every personnel process. (2) the obstacle in implementing eHRM is technical constraint in server which manage centrally and the limitation of human resources ability in eHRM operation. (3) the effort to solve the obstacle in eHRM implementation is coordination among verificator 1, verificator 2, verificator 3 and accompaniment for personnel had obstacle in eHRM operation</em>.</p>

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