
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : (1) mengembangkan e-learning memperbaiki alat reproduksi sinyal audio video CD (2) mengetahui kelayakan e-learning yang dihasilkan sebagai sumber belajar siswa, dan (3) mengungkap keefektifan e-learning terhadap pencapaian hasil belajar siswa kelas XI teknik elektronika SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin yang melaksanakan Prakerin.Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&D). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (1) e-learning yang dikembangkan dengan LMS Moodle melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu : perencanaan, desain, dan pengembangan. E-learning menyajikan materi standar kompetensi memperbaiki alat reproduksi sinyal audio video CD untuk siswa kelas XI Teknik Elektronika yang sedang melaksanakan Prakerin, (2) elearning tersebut layak digunakan pada siswa kelas XI Teknik Elektronika SMK N 5 Banjarmasin yang melaksanakan Prakerin. Kelayakan e-learning berdasarkan ahli materi termasuk katogori baik dengan skor rerata 3,98, berdasarkan ahli media termasuk katogori baik dengan skor rerata 3,90 berdasarkan uji beta termasuk kategori sangat baik dengan skor rerata 4,15, dan berdasarkan uji produk termasuk kategori baik dengan skor rerata 3,90, (3) Penggunaan e-learning untuk siswa kelas XI Teknik Elektronika SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin yang melaksanakan Prakerin efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Hal ini terbukti dengan perbedaan skor peningkatan pretest ke posttest untuk kedua kelas tersebut sebesar 13,24. IMPLEMENTATION OF E-LEARNING FOR STUDENTS OF ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING IN SMK NEGERI 5 BANJARMASIN JOINING THE INDUSTRIAL WORK PRACTICUMAbstractThis study aims to: (1) develop e-learning for repairing a signal reproduction device for audio video CD; (2) investigate the appropriateness of the developed e-learning as a learning resource for students; and (3) investigate the effectiveness of elearning in the attainment of learning outcomes of Year XI students of Electronics Engineering in SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin joining the industrial work practicum. This study was a research and development (R & D). The results of the study are as follows. (1) The e-learning is developed by means of in three stages, i.e. planning, design, and development. The e-learning development presents the materials for the competence standard in repairing a signal reproduction device for audio video, (2) The e-learning is appropriate to be used by Year XI students of Electronics Engineering in SMK Negeri 5 Banjarmasin joining the industrial work practicum. Its appropriateness is in the good category with a score of 3.98 by the material expert, is in the good category with a mean of 3.90 by the media expert, is in the very good category with a score of 4.45 by the beta test, and is in the good category with a score of 3.90 by the product testing. (3) The use of the e-learning is effective to improve their cognitive learning outcomes. This is indicated by difference in the score improvement from the pretest to the posttest in the two classes is 13.24.

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