
Understanding concepts is one of the important things in learning Mathematics. However, in reality it was found that Grade 2 students had difficulty in understanding the concept of Mathematics. Therefore, in this study a strategy has chosen, namely Differentiated Instruction. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the application of Differentiated Instruction learning strategy can improve the understanding of the concept of class 2B students on Mathematics. The method carried out is the Classroom Action Research (CAR) by Robert Pelton with two cycles. The research was conducted at a Christian school in the West Jakarta area on September 26 to October 16, 2018, conducted with a total of 7 meetings. The instruments to collect data are lesson plans, mentor feedback, reflection journals, tests and documentation (photos). The results of the study shows that the Differentiated Instruction strategy can improve students' understanding of concepts on the three indicators used in this research. The maximum achievement of each indicator is restating a concept (72%), classifying objects based on certain characteristics according to the concept (100%), and presenting concepts in various forms of representation (80%). Differentiated Instruction can improve the understanding concept of, if each of the strategic steps are implemented properly. However, there are some things that need to be considered such as the emphasis on the concept of clear material, giving clear but simple instructions (for lower grade students), giving clear and firm rules, as well as variations in learning according to interests, learning styles, and student readiness.


  • Matematika adalah salah satu mata pelajaran yang wajib dipelajari oleh siswa dari jenjang pendidikan sekolah dasar hingga sekolah menengah atas (Amir A, 2014)

  • in reality it was found that Grade 2 students had difficulty in understanding the concept

  • The purpose of this study is to determine whether the application of Differentiated Instruction learning strategy can improve the understanding of the concept

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Differentiated Instruction Secara umum Differentiated Instruction (DI) adalah strategi pembelajaran dengan menyesuaikan instruksi kepada kebutuhan siswa dengan tujuan memaksimalkan potensi masing-masing peserta didik dalam lingkup yang diberikan (Tomlinson, 2017). Pemahaman konsep terhadap pembelajaran matematika merupakan hal yang penting, karena hal tersebut merupakan suatu dasar yang akan menuntun siswa untuk memahami suatu topik atau materi pembelajaran yang diharapkan dapat membantu mengembangkan kemampuan matematika siswa dalam hal meringkas, menyederhanakan ataupun mengorganisasi suatu informasi pada jenjang topik selanjutnya dan juga dapat membuat pembelajaran matematika lebih bermakna.Menurut pendapat Febriyanto, Budi dkk (2018), pemahaman konsep matematis sangat penting, karena dengan penguasaan konsep matematis akan mempermudah siswa dalam mempelajari matematika dan menerapkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Indikator pemahaman konsep matematika menurut Sanjaya (2009) yaitu menyatakan ulang sebuah konsep, mengklasifikasi objek berdasarkan sifat-sifat tertentu (sesuai dengan konsepnya), memberikan contoh dan non-contoh dari konsep, memberikan konsep dalam berbagai representasi matematis, menerapkan konsep atau alogaritma matematis. Indikator tersebut adalah; 1) Menyatakan ulang sebuah konsep; 2) Mengklasifikasi objek berdasarkan sifat-sifat tertentu (sesuai dengan konsepnya); 3) Menyajikan konsep dalam berbagai bentuk representasi

Presentase Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa
Analisis Nilai Per Indikator
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