
IMPLEMENTATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL CARE AND SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING IN IMPROVING THE PHARMACY OMZET. A pharmacy is a place for pharmaceutical practice of pharmacists. Apotek Pendidikan Tadulako has three functions, which are education, social and business/profit functions. The purpose of this activity is to improve the pharmaceutical care, inventory management aspects, and marketing that affect to the increasing of pharmacy omzet. The solutions offered include the adding of a variety of non-drug supplies in the form of vaccines and home care medical devices, strengthening of pharmacists role in providing plenary services in the form of CIE (Consultation, Information, Education), establishing the cooperation with other health institutions, and implementing the social media marketing (SMM) ) includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube. The results of these activities have an impact on increasing the omzet of pharmacy every month. The follow-up plan is the application of an integrated Management Information System (SIM) and the application of internet-based marketing techniques with a website that is an online pharmacy.



  • A pharmacy is a place for pharmaceutical practice of pharmacists

  • Apotek Pendidikan Tadulako has three functions, which are education, social and business/profit functions. The purpose of this activity is to improve the pharmaceutical care, inventory management aspects, and marketing that affect to the increasing of pharmacy omzet

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Apotek PenTa sebagai unit usaha berbadan hukum mengurus kembali perizinan karena APA sebelumnya meninggal dunia sebagai korban bencana alam 28 September 2018. APA berikutnya dipegang oleh Ketua Jurusan Farmasi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Tadulako (FMIPA-UNTAD) yaitu M. Diangkat 2 Apoteker Pendamping (Aping) lulusan S1 Jurusan Farmasi Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Tadulako (FMIPA-UNTAD) untuk membantu pengelolaan apotek dikarenakan APA tidak bisa melakukan pelayanan kefarmasian di apotek setiap saat. Surat izin kedua Apotek PenTa Nomor :06/R/16.30/DPMPTSP/IV/2019 tanggal 08 April 2019, sehingga proses pelayanan kefarmasian berupa pembelian obat-obatan melalui PBF dan penjualan sudah berjalan seperti sebelumnya. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan omzet apotek PenTa adalah sebagai berikut: Penambahan variasi jenis persediaan obat dan non-obat berupa vaksin dan alat kesehatan home care. Perbekalan kefarmasian berupa obat, vaksin, dan alat kesehatan (alkes) home care tersedia di pasaran dengan berbagai macam jenis dan kegunaan yang bisa saja serupa. DATA OBAT YANG DIGUNAKAN MAHASISWA FARMASI UNTAD (PENGAMBILAN DATA 5 Juli - 12 Juli 2019)

Penguatan peran apoteker dalam menerapkan asuhan kefarmasian
Menjalin kerjasama dengan institusi kesehatan lain
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