
The purpose of this study is to classify which village government is good and bad in managing village funds in Tolitoli regency to be a reference for local government to control the performance of village government in managing village funds. The method used in this research is naïve bayes classification based on PHP programming computerization is expected to help assess village government performance in village fund management so that it is faster and more accurate in classifying village government performance. Based on the analysis of calculations that have been done, the application of the naïve Bayes method of classification in village government performance appraisal has been done against 2 (two) village with criteria used: budget amount, government budget, development budget, empowerment budget, guidance field budget, unexpected budget and remaining budget so that the final result of village government performance assessment in management village funds namely villages with the name Teluk Jaya village are declared good because they have a good likelihood value of 3.57921E ^ (- 58)> bad likelihood value of 3.39635E ^ (- 60) while the village with the name Salumpaga village is declared bad because it has a good likelihood value of 2.421E ^ (-139) <bad likelihood value 3.20355E ^ (- 83)

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