
This study aims to provide an evaluation of the availability of money in ATM machines using data mining. Data mining with the C4.5 algorithm is used to predict cash demand or total cash withdrawals at ATMs. To determine the need for ATM cash based on cash transaction data. It is hoped that this forecasting can help the monitoring department in making decisions about the money requirements that must be allocated to each ATM machine. The results of this study are expected to assist the ATM management unit in optimizing and monitoring the availability of money at an ATM machine for cash needs, so that it can provide optimal service to customers. Algortima C4.5 is an algorithm that is able to form a decision tree, where the decision tree will then generate new knowledge. The results of the test matched the data on the availability of money at the ATM machine. The results of implementing the C4.5 method on the availability of money at the ATM machine are seen from the travel time to the ATM location and also the remaining balance in the machine. The resulting decision tree model is to make the balance variable as the root, then the travel time as a branch at Level 1 with the variables fast, medium, long, and the bank becomes a branch at the last level (Level 2). Then the C4.5 algorithm was tested using the K-Fold Cross validation method with the value of fold = 10, it can be seen that the accuracy rate is 85%, the Precision value is 80% and the Recall value is 66.67%. While the AUC (Area Under Curve) value is 0.833, this shows that if the AUC value approaches the value 1, the accuracy level is getting better


  • Abstract−This study aims to provide an evaluation of the availability of money in Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) machines using data mining

  • −This study aims to provide an evaluation of the availability of money in ATM machines using data mining

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Salah satu fasilitas perbankan yang ditawarkan sebagai salah satu alternative delivery channels dalam bertransaksi dengan bank adalah Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) yaitu suatu mesin atau alat yang berfungsi sebagai pelayan bank secara elektronik yang melaksanakan fungsi teller secara otomatis. Oleh karena itu kebutuhan akan suatu teknologi informasi yang dapat menunjang proses pengontrolan pengisian uang pada mesin ATM perusahaan sangat diperlukan guna membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan atau sebagai bahan masukan kembali bagi perkembangan perusahaan tersebut. Pada penelitian [8], dilakukan Penelitian menggunakan Algoritma Naïve Bayes untuk klasifikasi waktu kelulusan mahasiswa menghasilkan model klasifikasi dengan nilai akurasi, precision, recall, dan f1-score sebesar 68%, 61.3%, 65.3%, dan 61% yang dihitung menggunakan metode 10-Fold Cross Validaiton, dan Confusion Matrix. Pada penelitian [9], dari pengujian yang telah dilakukan dengan model Cross Validation dengan nilai fold K=5 didapatkan sebuah hasil rata-rata akurasi C4.5 yaitu 79,28% dan Naive bayes 77,58%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu unit pengelola ATM dalam mengotimalkan dan monitoring saldo pada mesin ATM untuk menentukan kebutuhan uang, sehingga dapat memberikan pelayanan yang optimal kepada nasabah

Pengumpulan Data
Pengolahan Data
Data Transformation
Membuat Rule dari Pohon Keputusan
K-fold Cross Validation
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