
Types of processed seafood is very popular in Indonesia is a shrimp paste. In general, the paste made of rebon, small fish, or anchovies and other additives. The weakness of the paste is a relatively short shelf life due to water levels are still high, so often grow mold during the storage process. The shelf life is not too long will become a problem for consumers. Therefore it is necessary for action to extend the shelf, one with the drying process so that it becomes an instant paste. Terasi instant in order to attract packed with a suitable container. The use of packaging can affect the quality and shelf life. Determining the shelf life of the product paste can be made by methods Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT). In principle, this method is storing food products at extreme temperatures. Determining the shelf life of shrimp paste powder using a combination treatment temperature (30oC and 40oC) and packaging (aluminum foil and plastic HDPE). The results of research determining the shelf life of shrimp paste powder method Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) obtained the best treatment at storage temperature of 40oC with aluminum foil packaging is 1 year 6 months 28 days, whereas at 30 ° C with aluminum foil packaging is 1 year 1 month 13 days , Storage at 40 ° C by using HDPE packaging that is 3 months and 22 days, and storage at 30 ° C is 2 months and 20 days.


  • Hasil olahan laut merupakan sumber nutrisi yang sangat baik dan sudah diterima oleh masyarakat

  • Types of processed seafood is very popular in Indonesia is a shrimp paste

  • The shelf life is not too long will become a problem for consumers

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HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Pengukuran Perubahan Produk Terasi Instan

Parameter Uji Aroma Aroma yang terbentuk pada terasi dipengaruhi oleh adanya senyawa volatil pada terasi akibat proses fermentasi. Fermentasi pada terasi dapat menghasilkan aroma yang khas. Komponen aroma tersebut merupakan senyawa yang mudah menguap terdiri atas hidrokarbon, alkohol, karbonil, lemak, nitrogen, dan belerang. Senyawa itulah yang akan menghasilkan bau amonia, asam busuk, gurih dan bau yang khas (Aristyan, 2014). Hasil pengamatan uji aroma pada kemasan alumunium foil dan HDPE dengan suhu 30oC dan suhu 40oC dapat dilihat pada Gambar 1. Penyimpanan dengan suhu 40oC dengan kemasan alumunium foil selama 28 hari menghasilkan off flavor yang lebih baik dengan nilai 3,03 (aroma tercium jelas) dibandingkan dengan penyimpanan pada suhu 30oC yaitu 2,67 (off flavor tercium kuat)

Untuk bahan kemasan HDPE selama
Kemasan aluminium foil memiliki nilai densitas lebih besar dari pada plastik
Kadar air
Kadar Air
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