
The city of Meulaboh was one of the areas that had the worst impact when the earthquake and tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004. Apart from the impact on casualties, the impact on infrastructure damage is also high. Disaster risk reduction is meant to reduce the risks caused by disasters, one of which is loss of life. This research is about identifying evacuation routes and testing their feasibility to provide alternative evacuation route selection based on the Multi-Criteria Analysis method and testing its feasibility based on the road service level. The stages of this research method are preceded by the initial identification of alternative road sections that will be used as horizontal evacuation routes. The Selection of the priority scale of each horizontal evacuation route used the Multi-Criteria Analysis (AMK) method, the weighting value of each criterion is the result of an analysis based on the value of the level of importance between each criterion. The criteria used are accessibility, physical, social, and environmental aspects. Field data was collected based on questionnaires and interviews with stakeholders, including the PUPR Office of West Aceh Regency, the BPBK Office of West Aceh Regency, and the Experts. The result of the performance value (Pi) of the highest alternative evacuation route in Johan Pahlawan District is an alternative evacuation route number 1 with the route Jl. Bungong Jaroe - Jln Lintas Barat Sumatra (Imam Bonjol) - Jln. Generations - Jl. Ujong Beurasok Field with a performance value (Pi) of 7.42, and in Meureubo District the highest performance value was found on alternative evacuation route number 5 with the Jl. Meureubo-Reudep - Jl. Ranub Dong-Alue Peunyareng (perumahan griya mahoni) - Jl. Gunong Kleng-Alue Peunyareng with a performance value (Pi) of 6.47. Meanwhile, the highest road performance (DS) score was obtained on the Imam Bonjol road section with a DS value of 0.71, while in Meureubo District it was the Meureubo-Redeup road section with a DS value of 0.56. It can be concluded that these road sections are still within normal limits where the range of the ratio of traffic volume and road capacity is 0.75, with the service level value being in category C which indicates that the road is still feasible to serve the flow of vehicles using the road well.

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