
Indonesia is a state of law that always puts the law as a reference in all activities of the state and society. Indonesia's commitment to become a state of law is clearly stated in the 1945 Constitution "Indonesia is a state of law". As a state of law, judicial institutions have been established in charge of maintaining and supervising the application of law so that it can be effective in Indonesia. The judiciary is also present as a form of media for the public to obtain justice and appropriate action in the eyes of the law. As a citizen, it is the duty to be positive in the process of protecting and enforcing the law in Indonesia. The state wants a judicial institution in which it has law enforcement officers and law enforcement agencies that are fair and firm, indiscriminately. There is no sabotage, discrimination and specialization in handling every legal case, whether criminal or civil. However, nowadays we often hear the phrase, 'Point to the bottom Blunt to the top'. This expression can be present because it is considered to reflect the state of law enforcement in Indonesia. The author's search results show that the state of law enforcement in Indonesia is not running as expected. Law enforcement by the judiciary in Indonesia is often tainted by entrenched judicial corruption. Various legal cases that are currently happening seem to prove that this expression is true. The focus of this article is related to how law enforcement is currently in Indonesia. The question in this article is whether law enforcement has become the front line in the realization of the rule of law in Indonesia

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