
AbstractIslamic boarding schools are at the forefront of instilling prophetic values. In an era where human jobs are replaced by machines, pesantren will still be responsible for maintaining the morals of this nation's generation. One of the pesantren that has made innovations in instilling prophetic values is the Rohamatul Umam Kretek Bantul Islamic boarding school.Teenage students are directly educated by the Kyai with a wide and deep variety of religious knowledge, then the students share religious knowledge with children and adolescents in a mosque not far from the pesantren. In Islamic Personal Development activities, students are given the freedom to use methods when teaching Islamic religious knowledge. The right method can make the atmosphere of the activity fun and the material presented can be well received by the youth around the boarding school.The Rohmatul Umam Islamic boarding school instills Islamic values, the role of the prophet through the figure of a Kyai. Rohmatul Umam Islamic boarding school in providing prophetic values cannot be separated from three pillars, namely: first, calling for good can be translated into the spirit of fighting for humanity (humanization), second, preventing what is wrong, can be translated with the spirit of rejecting all forms of oppression (liberation), third, faith in Allah can be translated into the spirit of perennial philosophy (transcendence). Become a teenager with an Islamic personality full of confidence, so that he can be skilled in facing changes in the revolutionary era.Keyword; Prophetic, Islamic Boarding School, Teenage

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