
Animation technology have developed in the last few decades rapidly. Many animation tools can be used to make a 3D animations by users easily one of which is Muvizu software. It can be used without specialist skills, so users can reduce the time needed to create 3D animation movie. Muvizu is used for the develope a 3D animation that used as a media of user education programs in the library, so the program can use at any time. The research method used ADDIE models beginning with analysis, design, development, implementation which is tested to experts and evaluation at each step. This research is foccus on designing and developing 3D animation using muvizu software consist of story development, pre-production, production, and post-production. The results of the research from material expert showed very good results on general material aspects and user education content. While the results media expert showed very good on the aspects of software engineering, audiovisual communication, and learning design.

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