
Character education is one of the concrete steps that must be done to protect Indonesian future generations. Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad as an educator has been conceptualized character education that proved successful on his era. This study aimed to describe and assess three things. First, the purpose of education in the perspective of the character of Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad. Second, the main character values in the perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad. Third, character education strategy in the perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad.
 This study is a qualitative research, with the kind of individual life history and a thematic approach. Documentation method used as its data collection that divided into primary and secondary data. While the domain analysis become its analysis technique.
 In this study, researchers found that the purpose of the character education perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad is to help someone who wants to be loved by Allah. While the main character values in his perspective is piety which has five main indicators that is honesty, patience, gratitude, fairness and concern. As for character education strategies in his perspective is consist of five steps, introduction, motivation, conditioning, habituation and prayer.


  • This study is a qualitative research, with the kind of individual life history and a thematic approach

  • Researchers found that the purpose of the character education perspective Habib Abdullah bin Alwi al-Haddad is to help someone who wants to be loved by Allah

  • As for character education strategies in his perspective is consist of five steps, introduction, motivation, conditioning, habituation and prayer

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Ketaatan dan kepatuhan dalam memahami dan melaksanakan ajaran agama (aliran kepercayaan) yang dianut, termasuk dalam hal ini adalah sikap toleran terhadap pelaksanaan ibadah agama (aliran kepercayaan) lain, serta hidup rukun dan berdampingan. Sikap dan perilaku yang menceminkan kesatuan antara pengetahuan, perkataan, dan perbuatan (mengetahui apa yang benar, mengatakan yang benar, dan melakukan yang benar) sehingga menjadikan orang yang bersangkutan sebagai pribadi yang dapat dipercaya. Sikap dan perilaku yang mencerminkan penghargaan terhadap perbedaan agama, aliran kepercayaan, suku, adat, bahasa, ras, etnis, pendapat, dan hal-hal lain yang berbeda dengan dirinya secara sadar dan terbuka, serta dapat hidup tenang di tengah perbedaan tersebut. Perilaku yang menunjukkan upaya secara sungguh-sungguh (berjuang hingga titik darah penghabisan) dalam menyelesaikan berbagai tugas, permasalahan, pekerjaan, dan lain-lain dengan sebaik-baiknya. Syukur inovasi dalam berbagai segi dalam memecahkan masalah, sehingga selalu menemukan cara-cara baru, bahkan hasil-hasil baru yang lebih baik dari sebelumnya

Demokratis Sikap dan cara berpikir yang
11 Cinta Tanah Sikap dan perilaku yang mencerminkan Peduli
18 Tanggung
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