
The current phenomenon shows that the noble character values ​​among children are experiencing a quite concerning crisis. One of the factors causing the deterioration of children's character is a crisis or deterioration of national cultural values ​​or local wisdom values. Therefore, exploring cultural values ​​or local wisdom values ​​is a strategic step in an effort to build the nation's character. The purpose of this study was to describe (1) character education through traditional games in MIN 3 Jember, (2) character education through traditional songs in MIN 3 Jember, and (3) character education through folklore in MIN 3 Jember. To achieve this goal, this study uses a phenomenological type of qualitative approach. The data collection technique uses observation, interview, and documentary study techniques. The data collected are primary data and secondary data which include: character education strategy data through traditional games, character education through traditional songs, and character education through folk stories. After the data is collected, it is analyzed using themodel spiral analysis proposed by Cresswel (2007).
 The results showed that (1) The teachers at MIN 3 Jember have used traditional games as a medium to instill character values ​​in students. The traditional games played by students are quite varied. The steps taken by the teacher in using traditional games as a medium in instilling the character of students are: choosing traditional games that are in accordance with the learning theme, playing games together with students, followed by explaining the character values ​​contained in the games that have been played the. (2) Teachers at MIN 3 Jember have used traditional songs as a medium to instill character values ​​in students. The steps taken by the teacher in using traditional songs as a medium to instill the character of students, namely: choosing traditional songs that are in accordance with the learning theme, singing songs together with students, followed by explaining the character values ​​contained in traditional songs that have been sung. (3) teachers at MIN 3 Jember have used folklore as a medium to instill character values ​​in students. The steps taken by the teacher in using folklore to instill character values ​​are: (a) the children read the folklore in groups or independently, (b) to find out whether the children understand the story, the teacher make inquiries via 5W + H. (c) the teacher retells the folklore to the children, and (d) the teacher conveys the messages (character values) that exist in the story.


  • Fenomena yang terjadi saat ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai karakter yang luhur di kalangan anak mengalami krisis yang cukup memprihatinkan

  • The steps taken by the teacher in using traditional songs as a medium to instill the character of students, namely: choosing traditional songs that are in accordance with the learning theme, singing songs together with students, followed by explaining the character values contained in traditional songs that have been sung. (3) teachers at MIN 3 Jember have used folklore as a medium to instill character values in students

  • The steps taken by the teacher in using folklore to instill character values are: (a) the children read the folklore in groups or independently, (b) to find out whether the children understand the story, the teacher make inquiries via 5W + H. (c) the teacher retells the folklore to the children, and (d) the teacher conveys the messages that exist in the story

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Lebih lanjut Bu Alfiyah menegaskan

Permainan tradisional yang dimainkan oleh anak-anak dalam rangka menanamkan karakter kepada anak-anak. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara di atas dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa di MIN 3 Jember dalam menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter kepada peserta didiknya dilakukan melalui permainan tradisional. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menanamkan karakter yang positif kepada peserta didik, di antaranya karakter Sportif, saling menghargai, bertanggung jawab, kerjasama, melatih ketrampilan berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi. Bu Alfiyah menjelaskan kepada anak-anak bahwa permainan ini mengandung nilai karakter sportif, saling menghargai, bertanggung jawab, teliti, kerja sama, melatih ketrampilan berkomunikasi dan bersosialisasi. (Observasi tanggal 10 Maret 2020).Dari hasil wawancara dan observasi di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru-guru di MIN 3 Jember telah menggunakan permainan tradisional sebagai media untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter kepada peserta didik. Di antara permainaan tradisional yang digunakan oleh guru untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter kepada peserta didik di MIN 3 Jember meliputi: Gobag Sodor, Engklek, Petak umpet, Lompat Tali, Dakon, Ular Naga, dan Cublak-Cublak Suweng. Dapat ditegaskan bahwa permainan tradisional dampat memberikan dampak yang positif dalam membantu mengembangkan keterampilan, emosi, dan sosial anak

Pendidikan Karakter melalui Lagu Tradisional
Erni Novianita Guru Kelas VI
Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Bu Alfiyah Guru Kelas V
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