
Islamic education is an education that aims to form a complete individual Muslim, develop the entire human potential both in the form of physical and spiritual, foster a harmonious relationship with God every person, man and the universe. Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia consists of institutions of formal and non-formal education. Formal Islamic education institutions have levels ranging from Elementary School, MTs, Madrasah Aliyah, Until universities like IAIN. Non- formal education institutions Islam has no hierarchy and formal curriculum, such as Majlis study groups, educational gardens Koran and so on. In a sociological study Islamic education as an institu- tion that has always experienced interaction with other social institutions. Islamic education has always had a role creating an Islamic society which has dimensions of Islamic faith and encourage life toward renewal, growth and development, human respect as individuals who have the freedom and human rights and dignity, open to all civilization. Keywords: Islamic Education, Role, Development, Local Wisdom.

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