
Nowdays, education of stateless children in government schools not stranger to Malaysia because of the Reject Zero Policy that was introduced by the Malaysian Ministry of Education in 2018. To see how stateless children are educated in government schools, this article uses social networks as analysis unit to see how the social network that occurs in the inclusion of children without citizenship in national education, especially at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulau Mabul, Semporna. This study uses a qualitative approach by providing in-depth interview as a research method for data collection at the end of January, 2022 until the beginning of April, 2022. The results of this study found that the social network that occurs in the entry of stateless childrenin in national school is relationshps between individual with organization. This is because parents who represent stateless children manage their child's admission to the national schools by meeting and through the teachers at Sekolah Kebangsaan Pulau Mabul including the principal, the Semporna District Education Office, the Sabah State Education Department and the head village of Pulau Mabul. The social network that exists through the organization is very helpful for stateless parents to facilitate the management of their child's entry into national education. Therefore, this article will discuss how social networks occur in the admission of stateless children in national schools.

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