
The discussion about early childhood education is very important because education for early childhood determines the success of children's education as adults. This study uncovers and analyzes the concepts and views of KH. Mohammad Tholhah Hasan in early childhood education by elaborating the concept with other Islamic education thinkers using the library method. The results of this study indicate that the concept of early childhood education in the view of KH. Tholhah Hasan is that parents must be wise not wise because often parents are faced with the behavior of children with different characters and characteristics. There are three ways, first, parents should not be angry when dealing with children but find out why children are angry. Second, if the child cries while shouting not to damage things or hurt himself, just let it be until it is satisfied as long as it doesn't disturb other people. The thirth, parents do not need to discuss with the child when he is angry or explain things to him. Tholhah cites al-Ghozali's view that to realize a good child's character, there must first be obligations (taklif), and habituation (ta'wid) and characterization (tathobbu') from an early age.

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