
The position of morals in human life occupies a very important place, because whether an individual or a society is bad or bad depends on how good they are. Moral education in the family is carried out with examples and examples from parents. The behavior and manners of people in the social relationship between mother and father, the treatment of parents towards their children, and the treatment of parents towards other people in the family and community circles will be role models for children. So the child's moral education begins with the education provided by both parents, because the child will imitate the behavior of his parents. If the parents exemplify good behavior, then the child will be good, but on the contrary, if the parents do not reflect good morals, how will they provide good moral education to their children. This study aims to describe how the moral education of adolescents in the family in Kandang Village, Mekarwangi Village RT 04 RW 02 Cisauk Tangerang. Through a phenomenological approach with this qualitative type, it tries to examine more deeply the application of adolescent moral education in families in Mekarwangi village. Research results The results showed that parents in Mekarwangi village have been carried out well, it can be seen from the role of parents as the main mentors who have to teach about morals, so that teenagers will get used to good morals, habituation to adolescents, provide examples. firstly to adolescents also advise children to continue to behave in a moral way. The conclusion is that the moral education of adolescents in the family in Mekarwangi Village RT 04/02 has been carried out well, this can be seen from the parents who have applied morals towards the family, especially for their children. And parents provide good teaching and examples to their children.


  • Pendidikan adalah usaha membina dan mengembangkan kepribadian manusia baik dibagian rohani atau di bagian jasmani

  • This study aims to describe how the moral education of adolescents in the family in Kandang Village, Mekarwangi Village RT 04 RW 02 Cisauk Tangerang

  • Research results The results showed that parents in Mekarwangi village have been carried out well, it can be seen from the role of parents as the main mentors who have to teach about morals, so that teenagers will get used to good morals, habituation to adolescents, provide examples. firstly to adolescents also advise children to continue to behave in a moral way

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Pendidikan Nasional dalam bab I pasal

I, disebutkan bahwa “Pendidikan adalah usaha sadar dan terencana untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik secara aktif mengembangkan potensi dirinya untuk memiliki kekuatan spiritual keagamaan, pengendalian diri, kepribadian, kecerdasan, akhlak mulia, serta ketrampilan yang diperlukan dirinya, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara.( dalam Munawar Ni'am,1992). Kerusakan moral dan buruknya kepribadian tidak hanya terjadi pada orang dewasa, tetapi juga dapat menghinggapi generasi penerus bangsa terutama remaja. Perhatian, serta didikan dari keluarga merupakan salah satu penyebab penyimpangan-penyimpangan remaja ditambah lagi dengan lingkungan tempat tinggal yang tidak kondusif bagi perkembangan kepribadian remaja. Karena kurangnya pengawasan serta bimbingan http://ejournal.alkhairat.ac.id/index.php/JKPI ISSN: 2655-9692 EISN: 2746-5977 Vol 2 No 1, Januari 2021 dari keluarga dalam perkembangan remaja serta minimnya pengetahuan tentang ilmu agama, maka remaja yang rasa ingin tahunya sangat besar dapat menjadikannya salah dalam mengartikan sesuatu. Dalam pendidikan akhlak yang paling ditekankan adalah tentang hubungan dengan Allah SWT, karena akhlak kepada Allah SWT, adalah hal terpenting dan merupakan cermin dari setiap orang yang kemudian di internalisasikan ke dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Selain itu pendidikan akhlak juga menekankan akhlak kepada sesama manusia sebagai makhluk sosial dan hidup dalam masyarakat serta mengajarkan untuk saling menghormati satu dengan yang lainnya

Akhlak bersal dari bahasa Arab jama'
Selanjutnya hasil wawancara dengan para orangtua remaja di Desa
Berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang
Keluarga di Desa Mekarwangi
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