
Indonesia is a plural and heterogeneous country, and has the potential for multi-ethnic, cultural, multi-religious wealth, all of which are the potential to build a large multicultural country, any religion has a tendency to carry out truth claims because religion is a belief value that must be held firmly by its adherents, the attitude of the truth claim will be positive if it is only intrinsic Orientation in its appreciation and application, not for extrinsic orientation that causes negative prejudice and conflict. Intrinsic religion fulfills all life with motivation and meaning, while extrinsic religion makes religion enslaved to support and justify personal interests, The aim of Islamic education is to form perfect human being.. then Islamic religious education is the solution to make followers of religion not included in the radical, by giving Learning and methods of Non-Radicalism Islamic Education,


  • Pada dasarnya agama apapun memiliki kecenderungan untuk melakukan truth claim karena agama merupakan nilai kepercayaan yang harus dipegang teguh oleh pemeluknya, sikap truth claim tersebaut akan bernilai positif apabila hanya dioreintasikan ke dalam dalam penghayatan dan aplikasinya, bukan untuk keluar dirinya yang menyebabkan prasangka negative dan konflik.Agama Intrinsik memenuhi seluruh hidup dengan motivasi

  • Indonesia is a plural and heterogeneous country, and has the potential for multi-ethnic, cultural, multi-religious wealth, all of which are the potential to build a large multicultural country, any religion has a tendency to carry out truth claims because religion is a belief value that must be held firmly by its adherents, the attitude of the truth claim will be positive if it is only intrinsic Orientation in its appreciation and application, not for extrinsic orientation that causes negative prejudice and conflict

  • No. (Juni:2003), Pendidikan Agama Islam Thoha, Chabib, (1996) Kapita Selekta Pendidikan Islam, Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, Cet. 1, Zuhairini, dkk., (1993), Metodologi Pendidikan Agama, Solo: Ramadhani, Cet.I,

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Penyebab munculnya radikalisme Islam

1) Pemahaman agama yang literal, memahami ayat sepotong-potong 2) Bacaan yang salah terhadap sejarah Islam yang dikombinasikan dengan idealisasi berlebihan terhadap Islam pada masa tertentu. 3) Deprivasi politik, sosial dan ekonomi yang masih bertahan dalam masyarakat. 4) Mudah terpengaruhnya umat Islam terhadap paham baru tanpa diikuti dengan sikap kritis dalam meyakuninya.[26]

Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Non Radikalisme
Strategi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Non Radikalisme
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