
This study aims to find out the utilization of BAZNAS of South Sumatra Province with an IDZ perspective and to find out what steps are taken by BAZNAS of South Sumatra Province to optimize the zakat of Banuayu village. The research is field research, interviews, and observations. This research uses a type of field research (Field Research) with a qualitative approach method. A qualitative approach is used to examine the components that are feasible to be distributed zakat funds by BAZNAS of South Sumatra Province in the utilization of zakat for the people of Banuayu Bangun Rejo Village, East Oku Regency, South Sumatra Province. The results showed that there were several factors that caused the village economy to experience a shortage in the ability of village communities to develop village products, namely the limited capital to build a business, and the proximity of people to loan sharks who offer funds with large interest rates. The Village product worthy of development is Bricks. The large number of brick craftsmen have the ability but lack of capital in increasing the craft business underlying BAZNAS providing capital assistance to the village.

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