
The main commodity of crops that most contributes to agricultural development is rice. The purpose of this research was to determine differences in income, differences in the value of production and income risk, as well as the effect of production factors on the risk of production of organic and non-organic rice farming in Karangasem, Ketapang Village, Susukan District, Semarang Regency. The sampling technique is simple random sampling. Determination of the number of samples with the Slovin formula, obtained 89 farmers as respondents consisting of 44 organic farmers and 45 non-organic farmers. Income differences were analyzed using the average difference test, to determine differences in the value of production risk and income using the coefficient of variation (CV), while to determine the effect of production factors on production risk using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that organic rice farming income (Rp. 7,872,844) was greater than non-organic rice farming income (Rp 4,963,953) with a difference (Rp 2,908,891) and was significantly different. Based on the value (CV), the risk of organic rice farming production is 0.27 higher than the value (CV) of non-organic rice farming 0.21. The value (CV) of non-organic rice farming income risk is 1.01 higher than the value (CV) of organic rice farming of 0.85. Production factors that influence the risk of organic rice farming production are labor, and for non-organic rice farming is synthetic fertilizer.


  • The main commodity of crops that most contributes to agricultural development is rice

  • The results showed that organic rice farming income (Rp. 7,872,844) was greater than non-organic rice farming income (Rp 4,963,953) with a difference (Rp 2,908,891) and was significantly different

  • Analisis Perbandingan Pendapatan Usaha Tani Padi Organik Dengan Padi Anorganik (Kasus : Kelurahan Sindang Barang dan Situ Gede, Kecamatan Bogor Barat)

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Lokasi penelitian berada di Dusun Karangasem Desa Ketapang Kecamatan

Perhitungan pendapatan usahatani padi organik maupun usahatani padi non organik dilakukan dengan perhitungan menggunakan rumus sebagai berikut : Π = TR– TC Keterangan: Π = Keuntungan (Rp). TR = Penerimaan (Rp) TC = Biaya tetap + Biaya variabel (Rp) Setelah diketahui besarnya pendapatan lalu dilakukan uji beda rata-rata antara pendapatan usahatani padi organik dengan usahatani padi non organik. Hipotesis dari uji beda rata-rata adalah H0 : μ1 ≤ μ2 lawan H1 : μ1 > μ2 Keterangan : μ1 = Pendapatan usahatani padi organik μ2 = Pendapatan usahatani non organik. Besarnya pengaruh input terhadap menggunakan regresi linier berganda dengan produksi dan risiko produksi usahatani padi model berikut : organik dan non organik dianalisis Persamaan Fungsi Produksi: In Y(or) = a + a1 ln X1 + a2 ln X2 + a3 ln X3 + a4 ln X4 + a5 ln X5 + u1(or).

Struktur Biaya dan Pendapatan Usahatani padi Organik dan Non Organik
Total Biaya
Uji t Pendapatan
Sistem Usahatani Organik Non Organik
Ln Tenaga Kerja
Analisis Fungsi Produksi dan Fungsi
Pupuk Sintetis
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