
The teaching and learning process during the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in disrupted learning because face-to-face learning was not allowed. As a result, the government issued a policy that learning is done online. With this policy, of course, teachers must be more creative and innovative in how to develop strategies so that learning remains effective. One of them is by developing digital teaching materials where at this time the role of digital is very important so that digital mastery must really be mastered by the teacher. With the existence of these digital teaching materials, it is hoped that the online learning process will be more meaningful and effective, although there are many other factors that hinder it. Although the role of digital teaching materials is very important, there are some problems found in the field. This is based on observations at SDN 17 Ampenan that: 1) changing learning settings from offline to online requires teachers to update learning tools; 2) lack of teacher skills in using online learning platforms, such as google meet, google classroom, and zoom; 3) lack of teacher ability in compiling and developing a variety of online learning tools; 4) teachers do not have experience compiling digital learning tools for online learning. The activity that will be carried out as a solution to the problems above is the dedication team from the PGSD University of Mataram to assist in preparing digital teaching materials for online learning at partner schools. The results of this activity indicate that so far teachers are still lacking in compiling and developing digital teaching materials. After the mentoring was carried out, it seemed that the teachers had started to compose and use digital teaching materials. Activities like this need to be held every year. With this assistance, it is hoped that teachers can develop teaching materials that can support the online learning process.

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