
This service aims to solve partner problems (teachers of 49 and 53 Junior High School Makassar City), namely developing 21st century learning tools to increase teacher pedagogical potential. The form of this service is training with direct assistance. Output targets in training activities are (1) Increasing teacher knowledge in developing 21st century-based learning tools, namely learning implementation plans (lesson plans), worksheets, and assessment instruments; (2) Increase teacher knowledge in developing teacher competency. Output targets in mentoring activities are to produce products in the form of learning tools based on 21st century learning including Product Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Student Worksheet Products, and Product Assessment Instruments. The dedication method used to achieve the goal (output) is by adopting a mechanism for implementing action research which consists of 4 (four) stages, namely: planning, action, observation-evaluation, and reflection. The planning stage is the preparation stage, the action stage is the core stage (the realization of the IbM in the form of training and mentoring, the observation and evaluation stage is the stage of measuring the success of the program, while the reflection stage is the policy making stage (strategic step) in continuing the program to improve things that have been done before The results of the teacher training assistance at 49 and 53 Junior High School Makassar City are categorized as successful and very active in developing 21st century based learning tools.


  • This service aims to solve partner problems, namely developing 21st century learning tools to increase teacher pedagogical potential

  • Output targets in mentoring activities are to produce products in the form of learning tools based on 21st century learning including Product Learning Implementation Plan (RPP), Student Worksheet Products, and Product Assessment Instruments

  • The planning stage is the preparation stage, the action stage is the core stage

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Hasil Dan Pembahasan

Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat secara garis besar mencakup beberapa komponen sebagai berikut: 1) Keberhasilan target jumlah peserta pelatihan; 2) Ketercapaian tujuan pelatihan; 3) Ketercapaian target materi yang telah direncanakan; dan 4) Kemampuan peserta dalam menyusun silabus dan perangkat pembelajaran. Angka tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pengabdian dilihat dari jumlah peserta yang mengikuti pendampingan dalam penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran abad 21 berhasil dengan baik dan sangat aktif. Ketercapaian tujuan pendampingan peningkatan menyusun perangkat pembelajaran sangat aktif, namun keterbatasan waktu yang disediakan mengakibatkan tidak semua materi dapat disampaikan dan dilakukan di lapangan. Namun dilihat dari hasil latihan para guru, yaitu kualitas perangkat pembelajaran (RPP) telah dibuat dengan baik, maka dapat disampaikan bahwa tujuan kegiatan ini dapat tercapai. Ketercapaian target materi pada kegiatan pengabdian dikategorkan baik, karena materi pendampingan telah dapat disampaikan secara keseluruhan walaupun perangkat pembelajaran (RPP) belum divalidasi. Manfaat yang diperoleh guru yakni, guru dapat menyusun RPP, BahanAjar/LKPD, dan Instrumen penilaian berbasis pembelajaran abad 21 yang diharapkan mengikuti standar untuk dapat dipakai sebagai contoh lebih lanjut untuk dikembangkan di sekolah

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