
The development of the National Capital City is a gigantic agenda for Indonesia which requires lands in its implementation. Land acquisition is one of the processes that will be carried out in the transfer of community rights to the state. This process often creates a variety of agrarian conflicts that may be prevented. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying: first, what is the urgency of preventing agrarian conflicts in the land acquisition process for the development of the nation’s capital?; second, what is the mechanism for preventing agrarian conflicts in land acquisition for the process of building the nation’s capital? This is a normative juridical research by reviewing laws and regulations related to land acquisition and using a conceptual approach that focuses on the process of land acquisition in the development of the National Capital City. Meanwhile, the analysis on the legal materials is carried out descriptively. The conclusions of the results of this study are: first, the urgency of preventing agrarian conflicts in the development of the National Capital City, namely in order to create justice in the society and the party who needs the land (the government). Second, the prevention of agrarian conflicts in the development of the National Capital City in an effort to achieve justice is carried out at least in 2 ways, namely: open socialization to the community; and proper compensation that guarantees the people's lives after the land acquisition.

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