
ABSTRACT A. hydrophila is a kind of bacteria common found in freshwater fishes. Catfish ( Pangasius sp) is one of freshwater fish which can be infected by A. hydrophila . The aim of this research was to know the effect paci-paci ( L. lavandulaefolia ) powder in feed to prevent A. hydrophila infection in catfish ( P angasius sp. ). The research was conducted in Laboratorium Budidaya Perairan , Aquaculture Study Program, Agriculture Faculty, Sriwijaya University. Hematocrite examination was conducted in UPT Klinik Universitas Sriwijaya, Indralaya on April – Mei 2015. The research based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five treatments and three replications were fish fed with addition of Paci-paci powder of 0%, 2%, 4% and 6% for 14 days then infected by A. hydrophila through injection as much as 0,1 ml/tail with density 1.74 x 10 8 cfu.mL -1 . Parameters of this research were prevalence, hematocrite concentration, survival, growth, food convertion ratio and water quality. The result of the research showed that addition of Paci-paci powder in fish ransom could prevent A. hydrophyla infection. Best dosage is treatment P3 (6%) that resulted prevalency 38.80%, survival rate 75%, food convertion ratio 1.14 and had highest growth of fish which is on H1-H14 absolute weight growth and absolutely length is 7.25 g and 1.6 cm. At H16-H30 absolute weight growth and absolutely length is 5.96 g and 1.00 cm. Keywords : Aeromonas hydrophila, patin catfish, paci-paci

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