
Globalization has negative impacts to various field of human life. The advance of business, tourism industries, technology of information and transportation as well as entertainment has triggered the significant increase of commercial sexual exploitation which involves million of women anf children. The legal issue raised in this manuscript is has crime prevention on commercial sexual exploitation of children (GSEC) in Indonesia, been oriented to global-local based approach (glocalization)? As a normative research, the legal issue raised was analysed through statute and conceptual approach, by using primair, secondary and tertier legal.resourses, which furthermore was analysed descriptively and qualititatively. Based on the research output, it is known that the prevention of CSEC in Indonesia normatively has been adopted global-local based approach. On the global level, Indonesia has ratified a number of relevant convention and optional protocols, as well as built bilateral or multilateral cooperation. While on the local level, CSEC prevention has implemented several relevan laws, predominantly Children Protection Act, Anti Trafficking in Person Act, then complemented with Victim and Witness Protection Act as well.

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