
Traffic violations have become a habit of the road user community, so that every time an orderly operation of the traffic on the road is carried out by the authorities, traffic violation cases are still occurring and these violations often cause traffic accidents. The research method used in this research is to use a normative and empirical approach. i.e. conducts library research by researching and collecting library materials that are specifically related to laws and regulations and books relating to law and traffic, as well as field research conducted by observing observations and direct interviews with related objects. The results showed that the forms of traffic violations that occurred were motorists breaking traffic signs, driving not using a complete safety system. Some acts and sanctions for violations which are categorized as traffic violations regulated by Law No. 22 of 2009. Factors handling obstacles to traffic violations in Siantar Traffic Police Station Siantar, namely the human factor (Human Error), the factor of inadequate road infrastructure and facilities causing traffic violations. Efforts to deal with traffic offenses at the Siantar Police Traffic Police Unit are preventive and repressive measures to take action by giving a letter of reprimand or verbally, taking action by giving a ticket.


  • Traffic violations have become a habit of the road user community, so that every time an orderly operation of the traffic on the road is carried out by the authorities, traffic violation cases are still occurring and these violations often cause traffic accidents

  • The results showed that the forms of traffic violations that occurred were motorists breaking traffic signs, driving not using a complete safety system

  • Some acts and sanctions for violations which are categorized as traffic violations regulated by Law No 22 of 2009

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Tindak Pidana Pelanggaran Lalulintas di Satlantas Polres Pematangsiantar Istilah tindak pidana atau dalam bahasa Belanda disebut strafbaarfeit, sebenarnya merupakan istilah resmi dalam strafwetboek atau Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana, yang sekarang berlaku di Indonesia. Pengertian tindak pidana dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP) dikenal dengan istilah Strafbaarfeit dan dalam kepustakaan tentang hukum pidana sering mempergunakan delik, sedangkan pembuat undang-undang merumuskan suatu undang-undang mempergunakan istilah peristiwa pidana atau pebuatan pidana atau tindakan pidana (Ilyas, 2012). Adapun jenis pelanggaran lalu lintas yang sering dijumpai seperti tidak memiliki SIM (Surat Izin Mengemudi), melanggar rambu-rambu lalu lintas, tidak memiliki STNK (Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan), tidak menggunakan helm, dan melawan arus. Adapun data-data pelanggaran lalulintas ditinjiau dari jenis pelanggaran yang terjadi di polres Siantar adalah sebagai berikut: Tabel 1.

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