
Law No. 18 of 2008 on Waste Management prioritizes waste handling nearer the generator by considering economical value remained. In Depok City, waste handling at the community level has been performed at the Waste Treatment Unit (WTU) and waste bank. WTU focuses on organic waste treatment, while waste bank for inorganic waste recycling. The paper aims to identify waste generation and to evaluate the operational activity of the facilities. The sampling procedure proceeded for 8 days consecutively for 14 WTUs and 1 day for 7 waste banks applying stratified random sampling from a total of 30 WTUs and 428 waste banks operated in Depok City. Waste received daily were varied between 95,32-1.436,98 kg of organic waste at each WTU and 69,65-868,40 kg of inorganic waste at each waste bank. The variation of waste received was proportional to the number of inhabitants served and the character of the community surrounding the facility. The performance of the facilities could be improved including through promotion and financial support attained from the retribution. Waste handling at the community level could reduce the amount of waste transported to the Final Disposal Site (FDS) and reduce land required for FDS which becomes difficult to find especially in big cities in Indonesia.


  • Law No 18 of 2008 on Waste Management prioritizes waste handling nearer the generator by considering economical value remained

  • waste handling at the community level has been performed at the Waste Treatment Unit

  • Waste Treatment Unit (WTU) focuses on organic waste treatment

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10. Sukmajaya

Selain melalui UPS, penanganan sampah skala kawasan di Kota Depok juga dilakukan melalui bank sampah, terutama untuk menangani sampah anorganik. Jumlah bank sampah serta jumlah sampah yang dikelola dapat dilihat pada Tabel 2 berikut. Salahsatu fungsi dari Unit Pengolahan Sampah (UPS) adalah melayani masyarakat di daerah pelayanan UPS dengan mengambil dan mengolah sampah organik menjadi kompos. Gambar 1 menunjukkan jumlah KK dan jiwa yang menjadi daerah pelayanan tiap UPS. Dari Gambar terlihat bahwa setiap UPS memiliki jumlah KK dan jiwa yang dilayani berbeda-beda dan berkonsekuensi pada timbulan sampah yang dikelola tiap UPS nya pun akan berbeda pula. UPS dengan rata-rata timbulan sampah organik harian yang terbesar adalah UPS TPA Hanggar 1, yaitu. Rata-rata timbulan sampah anorganik harian di UPS adalah 30,96 kg/unit/hari atau dengan rentang 2,22-187,69 kg/unit/hari. Lokasi penelitian kemudian dibagi menjadi 3 kategori, yaitu berdasarkan teknologi pengolahan sampah, sumber sampah, dan pendapatan rata-rata kepala keluarga. Timbulan sampah organik berdasarkan pengelompokkan UPS tiap kategori dapat dilihat pada Tabel 3 berikut

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