
This research in the background by the availability of good in JorongKubang.This study aims to describe the cultivation of moral values ​​in children by teenagers in the family in JorongKubangKenagarianMagekKecamatanKamangMagekKabupatenAgam. This research is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study were all teenagers at Jorongkubang totaling 26 people, A survey of data collection with the use of data collection tools and quisioner. While the techniques of data analysis using the percentage formula.From the results of the study found that the cultivation of moral values ​​in children in aspects: (1) through habituation, (2) by example, (3) through advice, (4) through attention and (5) through rulemaking. From the above findings it can be concluded that the cultivation of moral values ​​in children by adolescents has been running well this is evident from the results of the percentage of each variable is declared good. General suggestion that the cultivation of moral values ​​can be enhanced and become a major concern by the parents in the family


  • Pendahuluan Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang sangat cepat dan kemajuan telekomunikasi semakin modern, telah melanda seluruh dunia dan seluruh aspek kehidupan manusia, tanpa terkecuali.Hal tersebut menuntut pemerintah dan semua komponen masyarakat untuk dapat menjawab tangtangan globalisasi tersebut

  • This study aims to describe the cultivation of moral values in children by teenagers in the family in Jorong Kubang Kenagarian Magek Kecamatan Kamang Magek Kabupaten Agam

  • From the results of the study found that the cultivation of moral values in children in aspects: (1) through habituation, (2) by example, (3) through advice, (4) through attention and (5) through rulemaking

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Gambaran Penanaman Nilai-nilai Moral Melalui Perhatian

Menunjukkan rata-rata persentase bahwa, penanaman nilai-nilai moral pada anak dilihat dari aspek perhatian, (52,56%) menyatakan selalu, (46,15%) menyatakan kadang-kadang (1,29%) menyatakan jarang, dan (0%) menyatakan jarang dan tidak pernah. Berdasarkan uraian diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa penanaman nilai moral melalui perhatian orang tua tergolong baik dengan persentase tertinggi menjawab selalu (52,56%) hal ini berarti bahwa orang tua telah memberikan perhatian dalam penanaman nilai-nilai moral dalam keluarga di jorong kubang kanagarian magek

Gambaran Penanaman Nilai-nilai Moral Melalui Pembuatan Aturan
Gambaran Penanaman Nilai-nilai Moral Pada Anak Menurut Remaja dalam
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