
PERFORMANCE OF HORSE DRAWING CARRIAGE AT TOMPASO DISTRICT, MINAHASA REGENCY. This research was conducted to evaluate the performance of horse drawing carriage at Tompaso district was taken to be observed for the variables including chest circumference, body length, body heigth, and raising management, time duration of using horse power, horse feeding, feces observation, farmer environmental condition and general profile of Tompaso district. Result of this research showed that local horse at Tompaso was originally introduced from Makasar and Gorontalo, and body condition of this horse drawing carriage was this following standard performance, such as chest circumference of 131.5 cm, body length of 142.3 cm, body height of 131.38 cm, the average time duration of using horse power of 6.3 hours/day, worm eggs invested in horse faces of 237.5 eggs, and feed average consumption for animal of 25.12 kg/day with energy content in ration of 2.35 Mcal. Therefore, it can be concluded that performance of horse drawing carriage at Tompaso district, Minahasa regency was ideally good. Keywords: Horse drawing carriage, Tompaso District, Minahasa Regency.

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