
Vanda tricolor is an orchid species that has many advantages, some of which are due to its beautiful and various flowers of unique shape and size. Propagation of V. tricolor can be performed by in vitro culture.In vitro culture technique needs appropriate medium to support orchid growth. An algae species, Sargassum duplicatum, can be added into the medium, since it contains growth regulating substances, such as auxin and gibberellin, which are useful for seedling growth. This study aims to know the effect of S. duplicatum application into in vitro culture medium of V. tricolor on the seedling growth and to know the best application of the algaein increasing seedling growth. An experimental method was arranged in a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatments were S. duplicatum weight of 0, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 g/L replicated three times respectively. The variable examined was seedling growth with parameters comprising day of new leaf emergence, leaf number, leaf length, day of new root emergence, root number, root length and plant height. Data were analyzed using ANOVA or F test with confidence level of 95% and 99%. LSD was carried out when F test showed significant difference. The results reveal that application of S. duplicatum extract has significant effect on the growth of V. tricolor seedling. The best application is of 36 g/L algae weight.


  • Vanda tricolor merupakan salah satu jenis anggrek yang memiliki banyak keunggulan, antara lain warna bunganya indah dan beraneka ragam dengan bentuk dan ukuran yang unik

  • This study aims to know the effect of S. duplicatum application into in vitro culture medium of V. tricolor on the seedling growth and to know the best application of the algaein increasing seedling growth

  • The results reveal that application of S. duplicatum extract has significant effect on the growth of V. tricolor seedling

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Hasil dan Pembahasan

Analisis ragam pengaruh penambahan alga S. duplicatum menunjukkan bahwa penambahan alga berpengaruh signifikan terhadap waktu muncul daun baru. Hasil uji lanjut menunjukkan bahwa daun yang muncul paling cepat terlihat pada perlakuan penambahan 36 g/L, dengan waktu 22,33 hari setelah tanam (hst) (Tabel 1). Uji lanjut terhadap jumlah daun pada perlakuan penambahan 36 g/L atau setara 15 % berbeda nyata jika dibandingkan dengan tanpa penambahan ekstrak alga, nilai kenaikan pertumbuhan jumlah sebesar 61,29%, dapat memberikan hasil rata-rata jumlah daun paling banyak yaitu sebanyak 3,5 helai (Tabel 1). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penambahan ekstrak alga memberikan pengaruh cukup signifikan terhadap waktu munculnya akar baru pada seedling anggrek V. tricolor. Hal ini diduga karena unsur hara makro dan mikro yang terdapat pada alga mampu memacu terbentuknya akar, sehingga dengan adanya penambahan alga membuat akar tumbuh lebih cepat apabila dibandingkan tanpa penambahan ekstrak alga pada medium. Pengaruh ekstrak alga terhadap waktu muncul akar baru, jumlah akar, dan panjang akar pada pengamatan 84 hst Kontrol Ekstrak Alga 12g/L Alga 24g/L Alga 36g/L Alga 48g/L Alga 60g/L

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