
The tourism sector is one of the national development priority sectors because it contributes to foreign exchange earnings, the development of business areas, and the absorption of investment and labor. In 2018 the tourism sector will become the second largest foreign exchange earner after oil palm. Foreign exchange contributed by the tourism sector in 2018 was US $ 19.29 billion, an increase of 15.4%. The increase in contributions was driven by an increase in the number of foreign tourist arrivals by 12.58%, domestic tourists by 12.37%, and from investment. Therefore it is necessary to study the forecasting of the number of tourists after seeing the great potential generated from the tourism sector. The data forecast is data on the number of tourists in Central Java, both foreign and domestic data. Both data shows the tendency of an upward trend pattern. So that both data can be analyzed using B-DESmethods (Brown's Double Exponential Smoothing) and B-WEMA (Brown's Weighted Exponential Moving Average)that are optimized with LM (Levenberg-Marquardt). Both methods are able to analyze trend patterned data without assumptions making it easier in the analysis process. In addition, the two methods in previous studies were able to produce a small forecasting accuracy. The MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) value out sample is used to compare the forecasting results of the two methods. The results of the implementation of LM optimization on the data of the number of domestic tourists obtained the optimal parameter value of the B-DES method is 0.21944386 with MAPE out sample 16.26516% and B-WEMA method is 0.219441 with MAPE out sample 16.26515%. While the data on the number of foreign tourists obtained the optimal parameter value of the B-DES method was 0.26213368 with the MAPE out of the sample 23.61278% and the B-WEMA method was 0.26213367 with the MAPE out the sample 23.61278%. This means that both methods have a good level of forecasting accuracy in the data on the number of domestic tourists and an adequate level of accuracy in the data on the number of foreign tourists. Keywords : B-DES, B-WEMA, Levenberg-Marquardt, Tourists in Central Java

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