
Fazlur Rahman is a thinker of Islamic neo-modernism who wants to actualize the teachings of Islam in a unified and solid framework, where one aspect and the other are interrelated. Through this approach, he wants the Qur'an to be understood in an integral and total way, so that things that are considered contradictory no longer exist. This effort is his obsession so that humans can capture the messages of the Qur'an holistically. Departing from his concern for the global problems facing Muslims, he offers a solution that is grounded in the differences between normative Islam and historical Islam. From this distinction, Fazlur Rahman conducted a comprehensive reconstruction of Islamic scholarship. The reconstruction he did refers to the original and definite Islam. For this reason, he suggested that the Qur'an as the main source of Islam needs to be interpreted as a whole and not to interpret it fragmentarism (paragraph verses), namely an interpretation that is able to understand the Qur'an as a whole, so that the theological, legal, political aspects and ethics in the teachings of the Qur'an into a unified whole. Fazlur Rahman argues that the purpose of the Qur'an is to establish an ethical and egalitarian society. So, Islamic society is formed because of Islamic ideology. The ideal condition of the Islamic social order is "which calls for good and prevents evil". This is in order to realize the implementation of politics based on Islamic ideology which cannot be separated from the Qur'an and Sunnah.


  • Fazlur Rahman is a thinker of Islamic neo-modernism who wants to actualize the teachings of Islam in a unified and solid framework, where one aspect and the other are interrelated

  • Fazlur Rahman conducted a comprehensive reconstruction of Islamic scholarship

  • The reconstruction he did refers to the original and definite Islam. He suggested that the Qur'an as the main source of Islam needs to be interpreted as a whole and not to interpret it fragmentarism, namely an interpretation that is able to understand the Qur'an as a whole, so that the theological, legal, political aspects and ethics in the teachings of the Qur'an into a unified whole

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Pemikiran Fazlur Rahman Mengenai Politik Islam

Fazlur Rahman merupakan seorang pemikir neo-modernisme Islam yang ingin mengaktualisasikan ajaran-ajaran Islam dalam suatu kerangka yang utuh dan kokoh, dimana antara aspek yang satu dan yang lainnya saling berkaitan. Fazlur Rahman mengadakan rekontruksi terhadap keilmuan Islam secara menyeluruh. Ia menyarankan agar Al-Qur’an sebagai sumber utama agama Islam perlu ditafsirkan secara menyeluruh dan bukan menafsirkannya secara fragmentarisme (ayat perayat), yaitu penafsiran yang mampu memahami Al-Qur’an secara utuh, sehingga aspek teologis, hukum, politik maupun etika dalam ajaran Al-Qur’an menjadi satu keseluruhan yang padu. Fazlur Rahman mengemukakan bahwa tujuan Al-Qur’an adalah menegakkan sebuah tatanan masyarakat ethis dan egalitarian. Kondisi ideal tatanan masyarakat Islam itu adalah “yang menyeru kepada kebaikan dan mencegah kejahatan”. Hal ini demi mewujudkan pelaksanaan politik yang berdasarkan ideologi Islam yang tidak terlepas dari Al-Qur’an dan sunnah

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