
Iswahyudi et al, 2019. Oil Palm Plantation’s Phosporous Mineral Mapping on Babat District South Sumatera. JLSO 8(1):77-85. Soil nutrient status mapping was not initiated which lead to inefficiency in fertilization. Fertilizition without nutrient analysis could lead to nutrient deficiency or toxicity of nutrint. The Purpose of this research was to identify, map the nutrient status and fertilization recomendation of phosporous nutrient status in public oil palm plantation at Babat Village Babat Toman Districts Musi Banyuasin District South Sumatera Province. This research used a detailed survey methode with grid system for 16 sample which represent 16 ha and 60 cm depth of soil drilling. Phosporous nutrient status at research location ranged from 4,81 ppm to 21,86 ppm. 7 ha contained 8-20 ppm available phosphorous ot classified into medium, 6 ha contained < 8 ppm available phosphorous or classified into low and 3 h contained >20 ppm available phosporous or classified into high. Soil reaction (pH) of the research field was 5,0 and 5,5 which classify the soil into acid soil. Fertilization implemented to increase the nutrient status until medium (15 ppm) which resulted in SP-36 doses was 346,22 kg/ha for low nutrient status and 139,33 kg/ha for medium nutrient status.


  • Pemetaan unsur hara di lokasi penelitian belum pernah dilaksanakan sehingga pemupukan menjadi tidak efisien

  • Soil nutrient status mapping was not initiated which lead to inefficiency in fertilization

  • Phosporous nutrient status at research location ranged from 4,81 ppm to 21,86 ppm. 7 ha contained 8-20 ppm available phosphorous ot classified into medium, 6 ha contained < 8 ppm available phosphorous or classified into low and 3 h contained >20 ppm available phosporous or classified into high

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Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei detail dengan observasi langsung ke lapangan. Survei pendahuluan Survei pendahuluan bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran umum lokasi penelitian, meliputi tinjauan kondisi lahan lokasi penelitian pembuatan peta dasar dan penentuan titik pengamatan dan titik sampel tanah dengan metode grid. Tinjauan kondisi lahan lokasi penelitian dilakukan menggunakan buku dan pulpen untuk mencatat kondisi lapangan meliputi foto lokasi menggunakan kamera (Gambar 1 dan 2) dan penetapan batas wilayah lahan menggunakan GPS Garmin untuk menentukan luas lahan dan data track peta dasar. Foto lokasi penelitian disajikan pada, Pembuatan peta dasar dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi ArcGIS 10 menggunakan data track GPS sehingga dihasilkan data batas wilayah lokasi penelitian. Penentuan titik pengamatan dan pengambilan sampel tanah dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi ArcGIS 10 dengan bantuan grid berukuran 100 x100 m sehingga didapat hasil akhir berupa peta dasar lahan penelitian (Gambar 3)

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