
The development of the tourism industry currently leads to the main lines that becomes a link between tourists generating regions and tourists destination regions. This study aims to assess the current development of a tourist attraction in the transit route that can be monitored through the mapping process and the division of the tourism clusters based on tourism products and location.
 The location of this research is located in the transit route along between of Badung-Regency and Bedugul. The data sources are from primary and secondary data. Methods of collecting the datas are interviewandobservation.In this report, the data presented in the form of a map based on observations and interviews. This research’s scope is limited by the concept of tourist attractions, concept of tourism clusters and concept of transit regions.
 The results-obtained from this research is there are mapping of tourist attractions based on administration territory along the transit route. Tourist attractions are divided into two types, natural tourist attractions and artificial tourist attractions. Tourist attractions in the transit route are concentrated based on tourism products and location tourist attraction. The tourist attractions are located in the middle of five villages that adjacently with Badung-regency as tourist generating regions and Bedugulas tourist destination regions.
 Keywords:Mapping, Tourist Attraction Featured, Transit Route


  • The results-obtained from this research is there are mapping of tourist attractions based on administration territory along the transit route

  • Tourist attractions are divided into two types, natural tourist attractions and artificial tourist attractions

  • Tourist attractions in the transit route are concentrated based on tourism products and location tourist attraction

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Industri pariwisata dalam perkembangannya tidak hanya terjadi di daerah tujuan-wisata dan daerah asal-wisatawan namun jalur penghubung (transit route) juga dapat mengembangkan pariwisata. Pemetaan atraksi wisata di jalur penghubung (transit route) harus ditata semenarik mungkin oleh para pengelolanya agar mampu memikat wisatawan karena tidak menutup kemungkinan jalur penghubung (transit route) juga bisa menjadi daerah-tujuan wisata yang baru yang dapat memberikan perkembangan-pariwisata (Arjana, 2015). Badung-Bedugul perlu dikaji penataan letak berdasarkan jenis dan konsentrasi produk wisatanya agar kedepannya dapat dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur untuk daerah lain yang ingin mengembangkan pariwisata di jalur penghubung (transit route). Jurnal pertama oleh Patria (2014) yang memiliki relevansi dalam sistem pariwisata dengan model yang memfokuskan pada daerah asalwisatawan, daerah-tujuan wisata dan daerah transit, jurnal ini juga meninjau secara komparatif kondisi ideal dan aktual Kabupaten Badung sebagai daerah tujuan wisata. Sampai saat ini belum pernah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pemetaan atraksi wisata di sepanjang jalur penghubung (transit route) Badung-Bedugul terutama di Desa Perean Tengah, Desa Luwus, Desa Mekarsari, Desa Baturiti dan Desa Batunya. 2.2 Landasan Konsep dan Teori Analisis Dalam artikel pemetaan atraksi wisata sepanjang jalur penghubung (transit route) Badung-Bedugul ini menggunakan beberapa konsep diantaranya :

Konsep Sistem Pariwisata
Konsep Pemetaan
Konsep Atraksi Wisata
Klaster Kepariwisataan
METODE PENELITIAN Lokasi yang menjadi transit route
Atraksi Wisata di Desa Luwus
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