
It is suspected that there is a potential human rights abused against woman prisoner’s reproductive health in Riau Province’s prisons. This research aims to identify human rights abused related woman prisoner’s reproductive health and found the affort to reduce it. The methods used to collect the data are interviews, documentation and observation. While Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted as part of the analysis stage interactive model (Miles and Huberman). The results showed that there is a potential human rights abused related to woman prisoner’s reproductive health in Riau Province prisons. It is occurred because of limited prison infrastructure, including getting access to goods essential needs during menstruation like pads. Efforts to reduce human rights abused against women prisoners in the prisons while improving compliance and protection of human rights is conducting the capacity building for the staff of prisons, setting clear standards compliance for the health rights of women prisoners, operating system of evaluation and monitoring of the implementation of the health right, adding women prisons officers, and build prisons that were intended for female inmates.


  • Buktinya perempuan kerap diberitakan melakukan tindak kejahatan

  • The results showed that there is a potential human rights abused related to woman prisoner’s reproductive health in Riau Province prisons

  • SIMPULAN Terkait hak pemenuhan akses kesehatan (reproduksi) yang masih sangat memprihatinkan sehingga mengindikasikan adanya sejumlah pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia (HAM) bagi napi perempuan, seperti pengabaian faktor sosial psikologis dan pengabaian kodrat perempuan (siklus haid) dan dalam mendapatkan akses kesehatan, Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) khusus napi perempuan, menurut perspektif HAM belum tersedia di Kota Pekanbaru dan Kabupaten Bengkalis

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Buktinya perempuan kerap diberitakan melakukan tindak kejahatan. Akibatnya, para perempuan tersebut juga menjadi penghuni penjara atau Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (LAPAS) dengan berbagai sebab.

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