
This paper discussed the rights of foreign workers to get employment in terms of the Immigration Act, the Manpower Act, and human rights. The method used a normative conceptual approach. The results of the study showed that in the perspective of human rights, the rights of foreign workers were the rights of workers based on Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution, namely that each citizen has the right to work and livelihood that was for humanity and article 28 D paragraph (2) of the 1945Constitution, namely that everyone has the right to work and get fair and decent compensation and treatment. The right to work and decent living according to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution stated in the Immigration Act, foreign workers entitled to work and/or busi- nesses to fulfil their needs to live and/or fulfil their families. From this provision, foreigners who intermarry and also their families could try to work in Indonesia in the context of their rights to fulfil the needs of a decent life for him and his family and as a respect for human rights, while the fulfilment of human rights contained in the Manpower Act, it understood that in the sense that the workers can feel their basic rights as workers, the provisions about workers’ human rights could be realized, namely equal opportunities and treatment in work relations. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/um019v3i12018p030


  • Mulainya industrialisasi dimuka bumi, disebut sebagai globalisasi namun juga menjadi fenomena yang lumrah tidak hanya dalam sejarahnya tetapi dewasa ini investasi ke berbagai sendi-sendi kehidupan di penjuru dunia mendorong pergerakan aliran modal Tenaga kerja asing termasuk di dalam aspek Ketenagakerjaan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya migrasi penduduk.Dalam mewujudkan tertib hukum di dalam mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing dalam pembangunan daerah serta meningkatkan mutu tenaga kerja lokal

  • This paper discussed the rights of foreign workers to get employment in terms

  • the rights of foreign workers were the rights of workers based on

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Disebut sebagai globalisasi namun juga menjadi fenomena yang lumrah tidak hanya dalam sejarahnya tetapi dewasa ini investasi ke berbagai sendi-sendi kehidupan di penjuru dunia mendorong pergerakan aliran modal Tenaga kerja asing termasuk di dalam aspek Ketenagakerjaan yang mengakibatkan terjadinya migrasi penduduk.Dalam mewujudkan tertib hukum di dalam mempekerjakan tenaga kerja asing dalam pembangunan daerah serta meningkatkan mutu tenaga kerja lokal. Chandra Putra Kuriawan, Pemegang Hak Tenaga Kerja Asing dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia 31 (selanjutnya disebut TKA) perlu membawa serta beberapa tenaga kerja dari negara lain atau negara asal guna untuk bekerja, para pemilik modal maupun sebagai pengusaha, maka diperlukan suatu peraturan yang mengatur tenaga kerja asing, dari peraturan ketenagakerjaan dalam rangka mencegah masuknya tenaga kerja asing illegal yang dapat merugikan perekonomian daerah serta mengurangi lapangan kerja bagi tenaga kerja lokal.

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