
<span class="fontstyle0">The purpose of this research was to see the framing of the news about the dissolution of the mass organization of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) by mediaindonesia.com and kompas.com. This research used a qualitative approach and framing analysis method with the Zhongdang Pan & Kosicki model. There were four (4) framing tools used to analyze,<br />namely (1) Syntax, (2) Script, (3) Thematic, (4) Rhetorical. The research objects were five (5) news of the disbandment of FPI on mediaindonesia.com and three (3) news of that on kompas.com. Data analysis was carried out by analyzing news based on semantic, script, thematic and rhetorical structures. The results showed that mediaindonesia.com constructed the disbandment of the FPI mass organization as an appropriate government step, based on legal grounds, not making it up and there was no element of sentiment towards FPI because the decision had referred to the right legal basis. The framing of the disbandment of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) community organization on mediaindonesia.com supported the government by providing government sources and quotations from sources who supported the government. Meanwhile, Kompas.com was more supportive of the community with sources from within the community and quotations from sources who supported the community. The construction process carried out by the two mass media has represented the stages of construction described by the social reality construction theory of mass media.</span>

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