
Surgery causes changes in the continuity of body tissues. Hemodynamic assessment and treatment are essential parts of the patient. Objective knowing the effect of giving passive ROM on hemodynamics in postoperative patients. Methods the study implemented a quantitative with quasi-experimental research designs. The sample was obtained from a simple random sampling of 44 respondents. The most common type of operation was URS or 12 (27.3%). The most utilized type of anesthesia was the regional anesthesia or 41 (93.2%). Wilcoxon sign rank test discovered that there were difference between pre and post systolic p <0.001, diastolic p <0.001, pulse p <0.001, oxygen saturation p <0.001. MAP p <0.001 and intestinal peritaltic p <0.001 after passive ROM intervention. There are effect of providing passive ROM on intestinal hemodynamic postoperative patients. The provision of passive ROM is very important in determining the hemodynamic values ​​of postoperative patients.
 Keywords: Hemodynamics, Passive ROM, Intestinal Peristalsis

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