
As we know, the life of the people of Tanjung Pauh Hamlet, Tanjung Belit Village, Rokan Hulu Regency is still fairly traditional. The problem discussed in this research is concerned with the sugar palm farmers in Tanjung Pauh hamlet. The palm sugar produced is very popular with consumers because of its pure taste without a mixture of preservatives or chemicals, and because the manufacturing process prioritizes quality. It's just that due to a shortage of sap water, the production of palm sugar in Tanjung Pauh hamlet can be said to be very little to meet the needs of the community itself. Therefore, we tried to do research by conducting a survey of the location of the palm trees, the location of the palm sugar making, and collecting data on the needs of the palm farmers in Tanjung Pauh hamlet. This study aims to provide guidance to the community of Tanjung Pauh hamlet as a hamlet that has the potential to develop income through improving the quality and marketing of palm sugar. We gave a little idea to the palm farmers in Tanjung Pauh hamlet to produce palm sugar, which is palm sugar which is usually in the form of blocks, which is now being innovated into the form of ant sugar, in order to attract consumers' attention to love palm sugar in Tanjung Pauh hamlet.


  • As we know, the life of the people of Tanjung Pauh Hamlet, Tanjung Belit Village, Rokan Hulu Regency is still fairly traditional

  • This study aims to provide guidance to the community of Tanjung Pauh hamlet as a hamlet that has the potential to develop income through improving the quality and marketing of palm sugar

  • Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat Dari Desa Tertinggal Menuju Desa Tidak Tertinggal (Studi Di Desa Muktiharjo Kecamatan Margorejo Kabupaten Pati)

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Universitas Riau

Kehidupan masyarakat Dusun Tanjung Pauh Desa Tanjung Belit Kabupaten Rokan Hulu masih terbilang tradisional. Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan petani aren di Dusun Tanjung Pauh. Gula aren yang dihasilkan sangat digemari konsumen karena rasanya yang murni tanpa campuran bahan pengawet atau bahan kimia, serta karena proses pembuatannya mengutamakan kualitas. Hanya saja karena kekurangan air nira, produksi gula aren di dusun Tanjung Pauh bisa dikatakan sangat sedikit untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat itu sendiri. Kami mencoba melakukan penelitian dengan melakukan survey lokasi pohon aren, lokasi pembuatan gula aren, dan pendataan kebutuhan petani aren di dusun tanjung pauh. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pembinaan kepada masyarakat Dusun Tanjung Pauh sebagai dusun yang berpotensi untuk mengembangkan pendapatan melalui peningkatan kualitas dan pemasaran gula aren

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