
The purpose of community service (PPMT) is to form a breastfeeding support group (KP-ASI) consisting of health cadres and supported by the head of village and midwives of health center so as to improve the coverage of exclusive and a food making skills for escort or MP-ASI, in addition to this activity, aims to hone the skills of students in the Community service program. Implementation method with participatory community empowerment through Apraissal Participatory Rural model is approach in the process of empowerment and improvement of community participation, activities conducted in the form of socialization of activities on all elements of the village related, the establishment of the structure of KP-ASI, lactation management training, assistance cadres practice management skills of lactation in Posyandu, training of MP-ASI skills, guidance of cadres in Posyandu practice of MP-ASI skills, evaluation or monitoring of activities through the lactation management competition and MP-ASI between cadres as a form of evaluation. The results of this activity in the form of the structure of KP-ASI organization with SK from the village head, there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of cadres in the management of lactation and MP-ASI. The test result of pre posttest in the test with value P = 0.00 (< 0.05) indicates that the knowledge of participants significantly increased. The results of the competition between cadres in the presentation of MP-ASI show the result that cadres can properly prepare MP-ASI. Data from village Midwives stated that there was an increase in BREAST feeding and MP-ASI in Sidoagung village.


  • The purpose of community service (PPMT) is to form a breastfeeding support group (KP-ASI) consisting of health cadres and supported by the head of village and midwives of health center so as to improve the coverage of exclusive and a food making skills for escort or Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI), in addition to this activity, aims to hone the skills of students in the Community service program

  • Implementation method with participatory community empowerment through Apraissal Participatory Rural model is approach in the process of empowerment and improvement of community participation, activities conducted in the form of socialization of activities on all elements of the village related, the establishment of the structure of Kelompok Pendukung ASI (KP-ASI), lactation management training, assistance cadres practice management skills of lactation in Posyandu, training of MP-ASI skills, guidance of cadres in Posyandu practice of MP-ASI skills, evaluation or monitoring of activities through the lactation management competition and Makanan Pendamping ASI (MPASI) between cadres as a form of evaluation

  • The results of this activity in the form of the structure of KP-ASI organization with SK from the village head, there is an increase in the knowledge and skills of cadres in the management of lactation and MP-ASI

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Hasil Dan Pembahasan

Tujuan pembentukan kelompok pendukung ASI atau KP ASI ini sejalan dengan hasil program Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan Nurlaila bahwa dengan terbentuknya kader PARAPAM (seperti KP-ASI) terbukti kader mampu melakukan pendidikan kesehatan dan mendampingi masyarakat dalam praktik menyusui dan pemberian MP-ASI dengan benar (Nurlaila et al, 2018). 6. Pendampingan Kader di Posyandu untuk pembuatan MP-ASI Pendampingan kader setelah pelatihan MP-ASI dilakukan pada kegiatan Posyandu dengan mendampingi kader melakukan demo memasak di hadapan ibu-ibu yang masih menyusui anaknya agar dapat dijadikan contoh cara menyiapkan menu MP-ASI yang sehat. Kegiatan ini diutamakan untuk melakukan evaluasi pada kegiatan keterampilan pembuatan MP-ASI, dari 12 posyandu dilombakan setelah pelatihan dilaksanakan, dan didapatkan 3 kelompok pemenang yang berhasil menyajikan menu sehat, bergizi dan sesuai usia bayi, peserta yang telah berpartisipasi juga mendapatkan sertifikat pelatihan manajemen laktasi dan MP-ASI

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