
Children are the gift of God the Almighty, the jewel of the hearts of parents and the future of the Nation. Parents are obliged to guide, educate and seek their welfare as much as possible. As a form of guidance and education sought, it is non-formal education in the family environment and formal in the school environment. Parents hope that their sons and daughters get good education from competent kindergarten teachers. Community service is carried out in two partner institutions, namely BA. Aisyiah Bulakrejo II and TK Desa Sidorejo 03 which are located in the Sukoharjo sub-district area. The purpose of this community service is to help school institutions improve the pedagogical skills of kindergarten teachers, so they can be more qualified in delivering teaching and learning materials in the classroom. The limited operational funds that are often experienced by the two TK schools, resulting in insufficient availability of game equipment, to be equal to the number of students The target that has been achieved is the creation of interactive learning models, with 1) Conducting teaching media technology workshops for kindergarten teachers, 2) Train teacher skills in making used APE materials, 3) Create APE marketing media and learning media through the website http://peragaedukatif.web.id/web/wp-login.php. This program is able to make the creativity of kindergarten teachers in learning more interesting and easy to understand. The proliferation of informatics technology provides opportunities for kindergarten teachers to be able to design and create multimedia interactive learning models.

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