
Muhammadiyah and NU are two of the largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. Both of these organizations have significant mass and inter-related to each other. These organizations stand up long before the independence of Indonesia announced. Muhammadiyah itself was founded by Kyai Ahmad Dahlan and Nahdlatul Ulama Hasyim was initiated by Kyai Ash'ari. Sincerity and the struggle of its founder, who make this great organization can exist and be accepted by the community to this day. The organization is also a symbol of strength of the Islamic organizations in Indonesia. The two religious organizations also does little merit in the fight for Indonesia's independence. Although many of the negative view that menyasar him but did not make the harmony both fade. It is visible from their struggle in propagating dakwahnya in Indonesia with sincere and full of struggle. Da’wah movement not only focused in purification of belief but also plays a role in answering the problems that exist in society. By using the methods to critical review I tried to dig the closeness between the Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama which can not be disputed again.

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