
This study examines the distribution of inheritance of the community of Nagari Air Bangis, Sungai Beremas District, West Pasaman Regency. From these problems the questions arise: (1) What is the system for distributing inheritance to the people of Nagari Air Bangis? (2) What is the view of Islamic law regarding the system of distributing inheritance in Nagari Air Bangis? This research is descriptive field research with a qualitative approach, namely research that understands what phenomena occur in the field, then analyzes the data using the source triangulation method. The results of this research are that the consideration of the Nagari Air Bangis community in implementing more inheritance distribution to men is based on the agreement of the heirs with the aim of having more male heirs, apart from that there are other factors such as customs and culture that have been passed down from generation to generation as well as the lack of public knowledge about division of inheritance in Islam. A review of Islamic law regarding the considerations used by the people of Nagari Air Bangis in implementing more distribution of inheritance to men in Islam is permissible, by following the provisions that apply therein, namely that each heir must know the share of each heir. before inheritance assets are distributed as stated in KHI Article 183.

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