
This study aims to find out the effect of submersion by using 1% acetic acid, 100% palm juice, and 100% coconut water to break the dormancy of palm seeds at different maturity levels. The research was conducted in the Green House of Forestry Study Program, University of Mataram, using the experimental method with Complet Random Design (CRD) three factors. The first factor is the maturity level consists of 3 levels, the second factor is the submersion liquid substance consist of 3 levels, and the third factor is the period of submersion consist of 4 levels.The results of this study indicate that maturity rate gives significant influence on the following parameter i.e: percentage potency of seed germination, rotten seed, seed weight, seed moisture content, and embryo lenght, while seed dormancy parameter is not significant. The submersion factor significantly influenced on the following parameter i.e: seed weight, and seed water content, while the other parameters are not significant. The submersion period factor is significant only on seed moisture content and the embryo lenght, while the other parameters have no significant effect. While in all interactions between factors show no significant result on all parameters.


  • This study aims to find out the effect of submersion by using 1% acetic acid, 100% palm juice, and 100% coconut water to break the dormancy of palm seeds at different maturity levels

  • The first factor is the maturity level consists of 3 levels, the second factor is the submersion liquid substance consist of 3 levels, and the third factor is the period of submersion consist of 4 levels.The results of this study indicate that maturity rate gives significant influence on the following parameter i.e: percentage potency of seed germination, rotten seed, seed weight, seed moisture content, and embryo lenght, while seed dormancy parameter is not significant

  • Permeabilitas dan Perkecambahan Benih Aren (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb.) Merr.) The Permeability and Germination of Sugar Palm Seeds (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb.) Merr.).J. Agron

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Panjang Embrio s ns s

Keterangan : K (tingkat kemasakan), B (bahan perendaman), L (lama peremdaman), * (interaksi). Berdasarkan hasil analisis sidik ragam pada Tabel 2, terdapat nilai-nilai yang signifikan pada faktor tunggal, sedangkan pada interaksi antar faktor tidak demikian. Nilai-nilai signifikan tersebut, pada sumber keberagaman tingkat kemasakan, signifikan terdapat pada semua parameter, kecuali pada benih dorman; sumber keberagaman bahan perendaman, signifikan terdapat pada parameter berat benih dan kadar air benih, sedangkan pada parameter yang lain tidak signifikan; sumber keberagaman lama perendaman, signifikan terdapat pada parameter kadar air benih dan panjang embrio, sedangkan pada parameter yang lain tidak signifikan; dan pada sumber keberagaman interaksi antar faktor tidak signifikan pada semua parameter. Sementara benih yang sudah busuk keluar dari pengertian tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan embrio atau bakal calon tanaman sudah busuk, sehingga tidak dapat melanjutkan perkembangannya menjadi kecambah normal

10. Result
11. Result
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