
Background: Many teenagers are confused about continuing their education to the next level, making this one of the reasons why this Community Service Activity was carried out. The number of teenagers who drop out of school and are still confused in determining their interests and talents in determining majors at school, makes this service important for teenagers who are in the lingkungan X Kelurahan Suka Maju Kecamatan Medan Johor. This service is in collaboration with two partners, namely the head of lingkungan X Kelurahan Suka Maju Kecamatan Medan Johor and the Youth of the Assyafiiyah Mosque with a total of 20 participants. Method: The method used in this case begins with providing guidance on intelligence and talent interests, the link between intelligence and youth talent interests, then administering intelligence and talent interest tests to participants. Results: As a result of this activity, teenagers can find out their level of intelligence along with their interests and talents. Based on the findings that occurred in the field, almost all of the participants had never taken an intelligence test or an interest-aptitude test, and did not understand where their interests and talents were headed. Conclusion: Based on the activities that have been carried out, the teenagers understand the meaning of intelligence, interests and talents, and can find out their level of intelligence along with the direction of their interests and talents. In addition, they can also determine the majors they will take at the next level (SMA) in school.


  • Banyak remaja yang kebingungan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan ke Received: 05 Jul 2021 jenjang selanjutnya, hal ini menjadi salah satu alasan Kegiatan Pengabdian KepadaAccepted: 12 Des 2021Masyarakat ini dilakukan

  • Many teenagers are confused about continuing their education to the level

  • The number of teenagers who drop out of school and are still confused in determining their interests and talents in determining majors at school makes this service important for teenagers in the X neighbourhood of Suka Maju Village, Medan Johor District. The purpose of this Community Service is to help teenagers in the X Suka Maju Village, Medan Johor Subdistrict, in determining their level of intelligence directing their interests and talents in determining majors at school. This service collaborates with two partners, namely the head of the X neighbourhood of Suka Maju sub-district, Medan

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Many teenagers are confused about continuing their education to the level. This is one of the reasons why this Community Service Activity was carried out. Sebagian dari remaja yang berada di lingkungan tersebut tidak mengetahui taraf intelligensi dan minat bakat mereka, sehingga sulit dalam menentukan jurusan di sekolah. Belum ada pihak tertentu yang melaksanakan kegiatan sosialisasi kepada para remaja di lingkungan X untuk membuka wawasan mereka tentang pentingnya pendidikan yang mereka tempuh, dan bagaimana mengetahui taraf intelligensi serta minat dan bakat mereka dalam menentukan jurusan yang nantinya akan mereka pilih di jenjang sekolah lanjut (Anastasi, 2007). Adapun permasalahan yang ditemukan di Lingkungan X Kecamatan Medan Johor yaitu banyak dari mereka tidak melanjutkan Pendidikan ke tahap berikutnya, yang mana hal ini disebabkan karena pergaulan yang kurang baik di sekitar tempat tinggal mereka. 2. Ketidakpahaman para remaja dalam menentukan peminatan di sekolah dalam memilih bidang ilmu sosial ataupun eksakta untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA), karena kebanyakan dari mereka hanya ikut-ikutan teman saja. Alternatif yang ditawarkan adalah dengan menyelenggarakan kegiatan tes minat bakat, sehingga diharapkan mereka memiliki pemahaman dan mendapatkan gambaran intellegensi serta kemana arah minat dan bakat mereka yang sesuai dengan kemampuan yang dimilikinya

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