
Telaga Baru A is one of the area located in Telaga Bertong Village, Taliwang District, West Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, which had not used the house yard to improve the community's economy and national food security. One of the applicable steps that can be applied to optimize the yards of residents is the "Sustainable Food Homes" program. The Sustainable Food House program was a program of community service and empowerment in the local village in optimizing the house yard by planting organic vegetable seeds using the verticulture method. The verticulture method was a technique of cultivating plants vertically, so that planting was carried out in stages. The stages of the verticulture method were preparation of tools and materials, seeding, filling the soil in polybags, transferring seeds, and monitoring which was carried out in the morning and during the day. The vegetable seeds used include cabbage seeds, mustard greens, chilies, lettuce, celery, purple eggplant, fresh eggplant, water spinach, onions and spinach. To support plant growth and productivity, composting and application of compost to plant seeds was also carried out in this service activity. The result of implementing the Sustainable Food House and making compost was the improvement of the skills of the local people, so they were able to continue the program with village officials and achieve the goals they want to achieve.Keywords: Vegetable Seeds, Home Yard, Compost, Verticulture


  • Kecamatan Taliwang merupakan salah satu kecamatan yang ada di Kabupaten Sumbawa Barat

  • of the area located in Telaga Bertong Village

  • of the applicable steps that can be applied to optimize the yards of residents is the

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Hasil dan Pembahasan

Program pemanfaatan lahan dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional di Kelurahan Telaga Bertong, Lingkungan Telaga Baru A dilakukan secara terstruktur dan melibatkan perangkat desa untuk ikut andil dalam program ini. Dengan terlaksananya program pembagian bibit sayuran ini, mahasiswa KKN Tematik Universitas Mataram berharap bibit yang diberikan bisa tumbuh dengan baik dan bisa bermanfaat bagi masyarakat Telaga Baru A untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sayuran keluarga dan memperkuat ketahanan pangan di lingkungan tersebut. Program utama yang dilaksanakan adalah pembuatan kebun bibit dengan metode vertikultur untuk kawasan rumah pangan lestari dan sosialisasi tentang KRPL dilanjutkan dengan pembagian bibit sayuran kepada masyarakat sekitar di akhir masa KKN. Selain itu ada juga beberapa program tambahan yang dilaksanakan yaitu gotong royong, clean up pantai, kunjungan, mendampingi kegitan belajar dari e-ISSN : 2715-2537 p-ISSN : 2715-2545 rumah untuk adik-adik SD, membantu kegiatan Posyandu, dan pembersihan masjid. Penulis menuarankan agar dilakukan kegiatan lanjutan mengenai penelitian ini sehingga masyarakat lebih memahami mengenai pemanfaatan lahan dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan nasional khususnua di Kelurahan Telaga Bertong, Desa Telaga Baru A

Ucapan Terima Kasih
Daftar Pustaka
Universitas Tulungagung BONOROWO
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