
The increasing population demands more food supplies. Fulfilling the needs can be done by each households. One of the way to fulfill it is to grow vegetables on house garden or yard. The garden can be a patch of land around your house, it can be in the front side, left, right or back side of the house. However one of the main problem, the land can be too narrow. This program is held at Bung Hatta II Street, Number 21 as the chosen location to be an example for people around East Majeluk, Pejanggik. The methods used in this Program are Survey, counseling and discussion. From the activities we’ve done, we can conclude that citizens around the households have knowledge about the plant cultivation techniques using tabulampot and verticulture methods and some citizens have already started to take advantages of their garden to start the cultivation


  • The increasing population demands more food supplies

  • One of the main problem, the land can be too narrow. This program is held at Bung Hatta II Street, Number 21 as the chosen location to be an example for people around East Majeluk, Pejanggik

  • From the activities we’ve done, we can conclude that citizens around the households have knowledge about the plant cultivation techniques using tabulampot and verticulture methods and some citizens have already started to take advantages of their garden to start the cultivation

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Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada

Dalam hal ini berkaitan dengan pemanfaatan pekarangan rumah untuk budidaya sayuran seagai tambahan sumber pangan bagi rumah tangga. Metode pelaksanaan yang dilakukan yaitu penyuluhan atau sosialisasi (Penyampaian materi kepada warga tentang bagaimana pengelolaan pekarangan agar dimanfaatkan untuk memanam sayur) serta pemagian bibit sayuran. Survey Survey pendahuluan bertujuan untuk peninjauan ulang potensi lokasi kegiatan, termasuk pemilihan lokasi kegitan penanaman sayuran dipekarangan. Survey pendahuluan merupakan sarana penting untuk lebih memahami tujuan, proses, risiko, dan kontrol yang terkait. Pada kegiatan survey awal melakukan diskusi dengan aparat desa dan masyarakat sekitar terkait kondisi masyarakat dan pemantauan lokasi pekarangan setiap rumah. Pelaksanaan Penyuluhan atau Sosialisasi Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan metode door to door karena tidak memugkinkan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan yang berkerumun diakibatkan karena adanya kendala COVID-19 yang sangat mengkhawatirkan. B. Vertikultur Pemananaman tanaman sayur dengan cara bersusun untuk efesiensi lahan agar lebih optimal

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